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Product Description

This product is used for the immediate breakdown of solids, grease, oils and food waste on floors walls etc.


  • PD ORANGE CLEANER will instantly emulsify grease and softens food particles. It is a natural solvent/surfactant made exclusively from plant extracts and can be used in a concentrate or diluted. 
  • This product works immediately and easily removes all organic waste based substances.
  • PD ORANGE CLEANER should be used in just sufficient quantities to break down grease, grime and oils present.


  • PD ORANGE CLEANER is non toxic, displays a neutral pH, is completely biodegradable, low foaming and can be simply rinsed away on all surfaces.




PD ORANGE CLEANER may be applied neat to tackle stubborn cleaning jobs or diluted, down to 10-1 for heavy duty  20-1 for light duty, allowing it to be used as an all purpose, versatile cleaning agent.

It is excellent for applications in any location where there is residue from grease and food particles; floors, walls, open gullies, grease/sludge pipes, catering extraction filters and ducts and can be applied to a wide variety of surfaces; concrete, vinyl, stone, glass, stainless steel etc which are adversely affected by grease, oils and food waste. Transport:  removes tar marks and rubber marks from floors. Removes grime build-up on all surfaces. 


Supplied in 4 x 5ltr case  and 20 ltr drum